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Wastewater Treatment Systems – Benefits Of Pilot Testing

A waste treatment system is an important purchase, so manufacturers weigh the decision to buy very carefully. They receive quotes from multiple vendors and explore various technology options. 

Most importantly, however, they want a guarantee that what they buy will solve their water issues. You may get more information about wastewater companies via

Wastewater Treatment Systems

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Pilot-scale testing provides manufacturers with peace of mind as it allows them to see the system in action before staying in their facility. By that point, the customer would have seen lab results and recommendations from their water treatment vendor based on bench-scale testing.

Water treatment companies use pilot-scale testing to analyze a very large scale treatment program that represents more closely live conditions within a manufacturing facility. They use this testing method to allow their clients to further the treatment program before investing further into the full-scale system. 

This test incorporates an actual pilot system, which includes similar equipment and lower versions of the water treatment protocol that will be incorporated into a full-scale batch or continuous flow system.

These systems may also include a water recycling process. They can be operated at the customer's convenience or at the seller's convenience. In short, customers can try it before they actually buy it.