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Apple Gadgets – What’s Repairable And What’s Beyond It?

The iPhone, no matter which, is a rugged device. Its firmware is not only reliable, but it also has it in terms of dependency and reliability. In fact, I still remember that my friend and manager's iPhone 5 was crushed under a heavy vehicle and it still works even though the screen was dead.

Well, iPhone is a reliable piece of equipment, but there are cases where one understands that an iPhone repair is needed and that this repair is out of the hands of the owner. You can check out the best iphone repairs in Sydney from the link

So here is a little guide on what can be fixed and what cannot be fixed.

iPhone 3G and 3GS:

Relatively a better option, 3G and 4G may also be out of date, but their parts are still easy to find. 4G phones are still viable, but if it asks for a repair every couple of months, it's time to say goodbye to your trusty old phone.

iPhone 4 and 4S:

The IPhone repair for generation 4 and 4S is the least of the problems. These technologies are still available to users and ever since people learned about the potential of our favorite IRIS in the days of the iPhone 4 and 4S, customers have never looked back. This is where iPhone repair offers the most value for your money. If you have one of these, always prioritize the repair option over buying a new phone.


Similarly, the iPad 1 and maybe even 2 are outdated and while they may not be a basket case, their hardware obsolescence should be reason enough to finally let them rest in peace. However, iPad Air and Air 2 may still be a year or a couple of them. So yes, if you have a newer iPad know that it can still be saved.