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The Ultimate Guide To Making The Best Homemade Bug Spray

Are you tired of dealing with pesky mosquitoes, flies, and other bugs in your home? If so, you may want to consider making your own homemade bug spray. This guide will walk you through the simple steps needed to make an effective bug spray that will keep the bugs away without the use of harsh chemicals. 

Ingredients: The first step in making your own best homemade bug spray is gathering the necessary ingredients. You will need a few tablespoons of witch hazel, a few tablespoons of vodka, a few drops of essential oil, and a spray bottle. Witch hazel is a natural astringent that can act as a repellent for some bugs. Vodka helps to preserve the bug spray and also adds a bit of extra strength. Essential oils such as lavender, peppermint, and citronella can repel insects and give your bug spray a pleasant scent. 

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Mixing the Ingredients: Once you have all the necessary ingredients, you can begin to mix them together. Start by pouring the witch hazel and vodka into the spray bottle. Then add in a few drops of your chosen essential oil. Shake the bottle to mix everything together. 

Using the Bug Spray: Once your bug spray is ready, you can begin using it. Make sure to shake the bottle before each use. Spray the bug spray in areas where you have seen bugs or around entry points to help repel them. You can also spray the bug spray directly onto bugs to kill them.