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Flying Anxiety: How To Conquering This Fear

Have you ever felt so scared to take your next flight? You're not alone. In fact, many people have anxiety about flying. When it turns into a serious worry and a fear, it's called "Flying Anxiety" and is classified as a phobia of flying. For those who suffer from flying anxiety, the idea of boarding an airplane can be terrifying.

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What is flying anxiety?

It is a type of anxiety that can be triggered by various factors, such as the fear of flying, the fear of heights, or the fear of enclosed spaces. This type of anxiety can lead to a number of symptoms, including shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, sweating, and dizziness. While flying anxiety can be difficult to deal with, there are a number of ways to conquer this fear.

Treatment for flying anxiety

  • If your anxiety is mild, self-help techniques may be all that you need to conquer your fear of flying. 
  • For more severe cases of flying anxiety, medication or exposure therapy may be necessary.
  • If you have mild flying anxiety, there are a number of self-help techniques that can help you to conquer your fear. 
  • If your flying anxiety is more severe, medication may be necessary in order to help you relax during a flight. 
  • Exposure therapy is another treatment option for severe flying anxiety and involves gradually exposing yourself to the feared situation (in this case, flying) until you no longer feel anxious about it.

Here are a few tips for overcoming flying anxiety:

1. Understand your fear.

2. Talk to someone who has flown before.

3. Visualize a successful flight. 

4. Distract yourself during the flight. 

5. Practice relaxation techniques. 


Flying anxiety is a very real thing, but it doesn't have to control your life. With a little bit of preparation and the right mindset, you can conquer your fear of flying and enjoy the benefits of air travel.