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Craft Bourbon 101: A Beginner’s Introduction to the World of Artisan Spirits

Are you new to the world of craft bourbon and looking to learn more about this popular artisan spirit? Bourbon has a rich history and a unique production process that sets it apart from other types of whiskey. In this beginner's guide, we will take you through the basics of craft bourbon and help you understand what makes it so special. Refer:

What is Craft Bourbon?

Craft bourbon is a type of American whiskey that is primarily made from corn and aged in charred oak barrels. It is known for its rich flavor profile, which includes notes of caramel, vanilla, and oak. Craft bourbon is typically produced in small batches by artisan distilleries, giving it a distinct and unique character.

Key Characteristics of Craft Bourbon

  • At least 51% corn in the mash bill
  • Aged in new, charred oak barrels
  • Distilled to no more than 160 proof
  • Entered into the barrel for aging at no more than 125 proof

The Production Process

The production of craft bourbon involves several key steps that contribute to its flavor and character. Let's take a closer look at the production process:

1. Mashing

The first step in making craft bourbon is mashing, where a combination of grains, including corn, barley, and rye, is ground and mixed with water to create a mash. This mixture is then heated to convert the starches into fermentable sugars.

2. Fermentation

After mashing, yeast is added to the mash and left to ferment. This process typically takes several days and results in the production of alcohol.

3. Distillation

Once fermentation is complete, the liquid is distilled in copper pot stills to concentrate the alcohol. The distillation process helps refine the flavors and aromas of the bourbon.

4. Aging

The distilled bourbon is then transferred to new, charred oak barrels for aging. The aging process is crucial, as it allows the bourbon to develop its flavor profile and take on the characteristics of the wood.

Tasting and Appreciating Craft Bourbon

Now that you understand the basics of craft bourbon production, it's time to learn how to taste and appreciate this artisan spirit. Here are some tips for tasting craft bourbon:

1. Choose the Right Glass

Use a tulip-shaped glass to concentrate the aromas of the bourbon and enhance your tasting experience.

2. Observe the Color

Hold your glass up to the light and observe the color of the bourbon. The color can give you clues about the age and flavor of the spirit.

3. Nose the Bourbon

Take a moment to smell the bourbon before taking a sip. This can help you pick up on subtle aromas and flavors.

4. Taste the Bourbon

Take a small sip of the bourbon and let it linger on your tongue. Pay attention to the flavor profile, including any notes of caramel, vanilla, or spice.

5. Finish and Evaluate

After tasting the bourbon, pay attention to the finish, which is the lingering taste in your mouth. Evaluate the overall experience and take note of any flavors that stand out to you.


Craft bourbon is a complex and nuanced spirit with a rich history and tradition. By understanding the production process and learning how to taste and appreciate bourbon, you can develop a deeper appreciation for this artisan spirit. Whether you're a seasoned bourbon enthusiast or a beginner looking to explore the world of craft spirits, there is always something new to discover in the world of craft bourbon.